• Property Tax

    Property taxes must stop rising. In the last session, the legislature made progress toward providing relief to homeowners. We must continue to develop policies to keep property taxes low while ensuring our local governments can provide the services needed. Martha has supported many tax relief efforts and will continue to work on new solutions. She has the experience and willingness to work with other conservatives to solve this problem!

  • 2nd Amendment

    Martha believes strongly in our 2nd Amendment rights and has a proven record of fighting for our rights and will continue to do so.

  • Pro-life

    Martha is unapologetically prolife from conception to natural death. All her life she has been involved in prolife efforts working with others in her community to encourage women to choose life and provide support for those who do. Martha has a strong prolife record and will continue to fight for the unborn. Endorsed by Wyoming Right to Life.

  • Pro-Business

    Having run a small business, Martha understands many of the challenges Wyoming businesses face. Martha will continue to work to reduce unnecessarily burdensome regulation. She will work to recruit new businesses and keep Wyoming dollars in Wyoming.

  • Education

    Our children are our future. Martha has a proven record of supporting public education, parental rights in education and school choice for Wyoming families. That means parents having the choice of how their children receive their education and making sure the dollars spent are focused on bringing the best outcomes for our children.

  • Minerals Industry

    Our mineral industry remains an important part of Wyoming’s way of life and our state budget. Serving on the Minerals Committee has given Martha valuable knowledge about the complex issues our mineral extraction companies are facing. Martha will continue to support existing industries and encourage new ones.

  • Agriculture

    Agriculture is an integral part of Wyoming. House District 27 includes many incredible multi-generational farms and ranches. Martha will continue to support this important industry for Wyoming and feeding the country.

  • Federal Overreach

    Government closest to the people is the best government. During the past 4 years, we have seen unprecedent, unconstitutional overreach into education, business and land management. Martha will continue fighting back against the heavy-handed federal government rules and regulations threatening Wyoming’s way of life.